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my story

I was born and raised in Auburn, and I am blessed to call "the loveliest village on the plains" home once again now that I have my own family. What a fantastic place to live, to raise children, and to celebrate life!


I attended the University of Mississippi where I obtained a degree in English and also met my husband of seventeen years, Jeremy. He and I have had the privilege of living in several cities in the southeast. We enjoyed each spot, but we are grateful for the lifestyle that the Auburn-Opelika area affords. 


Speaking of "home", finding the perfect spot for clients to settle is my passion. My business philosophy is to do whatever it takes to serve the client in a manner that also pleases the Lord! I hope that my character and the way that I do business are reflective of the One who has allowed me to do this for a living.


My husband and I have two boys--ages eleven and nine--and a three-year-old daughter. We both treasure our family time, support our community, and delight in our careers.

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